Welcome to UFFO

This logo is a trademark of the Universal Film Festival Organization. Only Film Festivals who have subscribed to the UFFO best business practices are entitled to use the UFFO logo.
Any unauthorized use of the UFFO logo, whether direct copying or creation of a derivative work, will constitute a violation of international copyright and trademark law.
Please report Violations here:info@uffo.org
UFFO operates solely on donations and we would ask if you could donate a small amount to hep us keep the site and investigations going.

The Universal Film & Festival Organization was founded to support and implement best business practices for film festivals throughout the world. UFFO is a global voluntary organization and is not-for-profit. It was created to bring together the highest quality of Film Festivals and the film making community by encouraging film festivals to become sound in best business practices. To date we have been very successful in this endeavor.
The UFFO best business practices is completely voluntary, it is free and easy to implement. In addition it is a blueprint for filmmakers in deciding which film festivals to do business with.
UFFO is also an open international organization and membership is open to all creative individuals, filmmakers, film schools and film festivals. To become a UFFO member go to the Join UFFO tab.
UFFO has a team of investigators who investigate many issues including fraudulent film festivals and awards, filmmakers being scammed and short changed and issue where filmmakers need assistance in taking on larger entities.
UFFO Press Card
The Universal Film & Festival Organisation now operate a Press Credentials programme. This enables UFFO to give writers and journalists who put the truth and integrity first a UFFO press card.
Email us info@uffo.org for an application. We suggest you read the Journalist's code of practice before applying (PDF LINK)

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