The UFFO Code of Practice has only ten points and is very transparent and fair.
No 1: Film Festival organizers should operate a transparent selection process and state if the festival is a jury festival or non-jury festival
No 2: Film Festivals organizers should provide full contact details for the festival offices including address and telephone numbers and the names of the festival directors and or committee
No 3: A Film Festival should publish its legal status as a company, charity or non-profit (this only applies to a registered entity)
No 4: Film Festival organizers should not share financial data belonging to any filmmakers with any third parties
No 5: Film Festivals should publish a year by year history of festival winners and films officially selected
No 6: Film Festival organizers, committee and or jury should not show or demonstrate any favoritism or hostility to any film submitted to the festival or attempt to influence other members of the jury or selection committee
No 7: Film Festivals should declare the number of films sought out and or invited by the festival organizers to participate in the festival prior to and before the general call for submissions is sent out
No 8: A Film Festivals jury members should be made up of film industry professionals (non-jury festivals are exempt)
No 9: Film Festival organizers should view at least 5 minutes of all submitted films
No 10: All Festival organizers should declare any conflict of interest that may arise from any film submitted to or invited to participate in the festival